Sunday, May 27, 2012

Learning Stations (May 21 - 25) (May 28 - 31)

These learning stations are to be for two weeks due to a certain number of day offs (e.g., Victoria Day, PA Day, etc.)

Literacy Station

Using the poem, Pig in a Puddle, the children are learning the letter 'P'. With a worksheet, they colour their pig and practice writing the letter.

Math Station

The children will determine their patterns for the caterpillar's body based on the pattern being asked on the work card (e.g., AAB or AB) and then they copy their pattern on the worksheet. Children learned to recognice and create their patterns.

Science Station

The science station has the children labelling the parts of the butterfly. During a mini-lesson, I read to them a science fiction text about the parts of the butterfly and we identified and discussed the parts of the butterfly. Children increased their scientific vocabulary in the process (e.g., proboscis, thorax, compound eyes).

Art Station

The art station is a continuation of the art station from last week. After doing their papier mache balls which are the different parts of the caterpillar's body, the children are painting the caterpillar's body in order to make their caterpillars. After that, we will connect the caterpillar's bodies together.

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