Sunday, January 22, 2012

Learning Stations (Jan 16 - 22)

For this week, I decided to focus our learning stations on snow and winter.

Art Station

Using coffee filters, the kids made snowflakes by folding the coffee filters and cutting small holes and shapes. Once they have finished their snowflakes, the snowflakes were stapled to our bulletin board which has the classroom tree. Afterwards, they colored their yellow activity sheet (e.g., sun, lemon).

Literacy Station

The children focused on the letter 'G'. I had a teacher-directed lesson reading the poem 'Goose in a Garden' on a chart paper. We identified the words starting with the letter 'g', demonstrated how to write the letter and made sure that they understood the letter 'g' phonetically. They went back to their table to accomplish the letter 'g' worksheet.

Math Station

The math station had the children playing a game where they were in the middle of the circle of the snowflakes and turned around while reciting the poem 'Snowflakes all around... Pick a snowflake off the ground'. Then the student stopped and picked up a snowflake to identify the number. If he identified it correctly, he keeps the snowflake. But if he was wrong, the snowflake is returned back to its place. The student with the most number of snowflakes wins.

After playing the game twice, they make their tangram shapes which they loved to do. Some did it more than once!

Science Station

I have decided to use the science sheet I made concerning the life cycle of a pumpkin. I read the book entitled Pumpkin Pumpkin by Jeanne Titherington. Then, we discussed the different stages in the life cycle of a pumpkin. After that, the children have to cut and paste the different pictures of the life stages of the pumpkin in the order that it happens(e.g., seed, sprout, plant, flower, pumpkin).

The sand box station had the children create little burrows and mountains which their tractors and trucks can go through.

The water table had the children using water wheels to create waterfalls and motion all over!

It was a wonderful week of learning stations this week!

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