Sunday, January 15, 2012

New Things for 2012!

Happy New Year to everyone! After enjoying a two weeks off (I was surprised that by the second week, I was ready to go back to school), it gave me time to think about the different things that I wanted to do for my Kindergarten class:

1. Math Strategies Primary during computer class

Math Strategies Primary is a software program to help children understand the basics of mathematics. Designed for children ages 4 to 8 (Kindergarten to 3rd grade), the program guides the child to an understanding of the basic fundamentals of mathematics.

What I did was each child was assigned to a specific computer. When the child logs in with his/her account, the software will record his/her success or difficulties with the said concept (e.g, counting and quantity). In preparation for this, I had to go through 22 computers importing the class lists. It was a challenging job but I think it will be worth it! I will generate the reports ad hoc and give the parents a copy.

2. Implementing Learning Stations

What can give more variety to the learning objectives to the children? What can I do to make sure they are more successful and truly engaged in the activities that I have designed for them? During the vacation, I read more about learning stations or centres where a certain station or centre will be devoted to one learning objective. Having children who are still developing their cognitive abilities, focusing on one major task will enable them to concentrate. So, I have decided to design learning centres. The learning stations will follow a theme. For this particular week, the theme is based on the poem Baa Baa Black Sheep.

The children have been grouped into teams by color: red, blue, orange, green and yellow. Everyday, each team will do a center and at the end of the day, the task must be completed. For Fridays, we have catch up day to finish activities for the week.

Art Station

Ryan and Micol painting their sheep.

Kieran painting his sheep.

Science Station

Playing with magnets is a hands on activity for children to learn more about magnets.

Literacy Station

I am going through the letters of the alphabets which I think is a must for the Kindergarten students. We are now doing the letter 'F'. Aside from practicing the letter 'F', the Frog by the Flower poem said that he is surrounded by friends. So, I asked them to give their frog at least four friends by cutting and pasting insects I saw on the internet!

Math Station

Shearing the Sheep game makes the kids practice counting, taking turns, cooperation and having fun at sit down games! Kids will take turn picking a card with a number from 1 to 3 and will 'shear' his sheep (represented by small fluffy balls) and put the balls into his paper bag. The first one that places all the balls into his/her 'bag of wool' wins. The children were really good at playing the game with sportsmanship!

Structures Station

Kindergarten students have to use only two kinds of structures to make their own structure. And see the amazing results that they have done with the given toys!

James with his structure!

Carter and Josh doing an amazing structure!

Charlotte and Sarah working hard at it!

And other amazing results:

I also found out that we have a water table stashed away in the basement! So, I have requested to bring that up to the Kindergarten room. I have to change the water every week. I think it will be fun for the kids to see water at its best. We have a bin of plastic sea creatures waiting to swim in that classroom.

I also prepared the sand table which will replace the structure activity.

Hope you enjoyed this piece of news! Let me know what you think!

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