Thursday, March 22, 2012

Learning Stations (March 19 - 23 )

March continues with Fairy Tales. Story this week is Goldilocks and the Three Little Bears.

Literacy Station

The children are learning the letter 'Mm' through the poem, Mouse in a Meadow'.

Science Station

The children learned how to sort things into living things and non-living things through a game board.

Then, they do their worksheet where they colour only the living things.

Math Station

The task of learning 'more' or 'less' continues. The children have to count the number of smarties on each cookie, write the number and then colour the 'more' item with red and the 'less' item with yellow. So, if a set has four smarties on a cookie versus ten smarties on a cookie. The four smarties cookie gets coloured yellow and the other red.

Art Station

The children design their own bears using construction paper and glue.

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