Friday, March 16, 2012

War Horse at the Princess of Wales Theatre - A MUST SEE!!

I have been able to watch War Horse at the Princess of Wales Theatre on March 14 (the matinee show) and have been mesmerized by the extraordinary play that I would describe as 'a show that feeds the soul'. The amazing puppetry, the excellent acting of the cast, the superb staging and a great, heart-wrenching storyline were the main ingredients that transported me to another place and time that I have only read during my high school World History class: the Great Wars, 1914 - 1918. I was constantly wiping my tears (some people in the audience were sobbing even during intermission!) and can only say that it is a MUST SEE. I thought my high would have ended after the show but Shelagh, Henry's Mom, was able to ask one of the performers who happens to be one of the most proclaimed stage actors on Canadian stage, Patrick Galligan, to give me a private tour. When Shelagh mentioned his name, I had to pause and think, "I know a Patrick Galligan who I have watched in My Fair Lady and An Ideal Husband. Could it be him?!!" Well, it happens that Shelagh is the sister of Patrick! So, when I saw him standing in front of me after the show at the designated spot, I couldn't help stop smiling! In front of me was the actor who just gave an extraordinary portrayal of the German soldier, Friedrich, who took care of the two horses, Joey and Tophorn, during the war. And when Patrick smiled, I could see the resemblance to little Henry! Patrick gave me a great tour of the theatre, showing me the different puppet horses (amazing, they were made of silk-like cloth and wood), the research that they all had to do and present to each other (the walls were filled with pictures and research to be able to keep themselves authentic), the sound room, the costumes, the dressing rooms, and get this, I got to crawl through the hole leading to the German camp! It was an amazing thing for me to get a glimpse of the passion and love of theatre up close and personal! Patrick (first name basis... ehem!) was so gracious with his time and amazing effort to give me a most wonderful tour!

The show runs until September and who knows with the great demand for the show, it may run for more months! It is a MUST-SEE for all Canadians and we should be proud that this amazing MAGICAL play is in our midst!

See War Horse Toronto Rehearsal Media Preview by clicking on the link!

Read a review about War Horse and Mr. Galligan's amazing portrayal of the role !

Thank you, Shelagh and Patrick, for making my March break the best!

Acclaimed Actor Patrick Galligan and I posed for a picture (He was so gracious with his time!)

The Majestic Tophorn and I posed for a picture (I gave him some oats to keep him quiet!)

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