Thursday, March 1, 2012

Character Education Starts Next Week

I have been thinking about it a lot for the past two weeks how and where to place Character Education into the schedule that we have in class. The classes have been so busy with many things but I have decided that the characters of our little ones are so important to develop. I have decided to discuss Character Education (e.g., good citizenship, compassion) before the class as a whole (I may be reading a story or discuss the topic directly) and later when we break into teams, we'll have a Character Education activity as part of the sandbox station. Before a certain team can proceed to the sandbox, they have to accomplish the needed activity (e.g., using paper hands, write a thing that would show that you are a good citizen = help others). We need to start character education as a topic everyday with our little ones because the future of our world lies in their hands! And like little ripples of water that can turn into big waves in a pond, just by planting seeds of good character into their hearts and minds might cause a big ripple effect in their persons for the future!

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