Monday, April 2, 2012

Guided Reading Groups (AM and PM)

We have been doing something new ever since mid-February. Every second and fourth Wednesdays of the month, parent volunteers have come to guide our children in reading and writing. One of the resources that I have been using is a box set of 25 books (5 books per set for children to read together with an adult) in this aspect of my literacy program. Adults need to model reading to the children every day of their lives. And as an added activity, the children are given the opportunity to do a writing exercise based on the book. The worksheet will allow the children to copy a sentence based on the book or create their own sentence with the guidance of the parent volunteer. Please look at the previous blog for exact dates for guided reading if you wish to volunteer. I want to thank parents who volunteered and provided input/changes to the next cycle of shared reading groups. I really appreciate that!



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