Sunday, April 29, 2012

Learning Stations (April 30 - May 4)

This week's rhyme is Little Miss Muffet.

Science Station

The focus will definitely be a favorite of most kids, the infamous spider. The children will watch a video about the life cycle of the spider (I found this great video entitled Insects and Spiders from a garage sale for free!) and afterwhich, they will label the different parts of the spider. The children will increase their vocabulary with new knowledge about the body parts of the spider.

An anchor chart will provide the children spider facts as well.

Math Station

The children will pick up a spider card which will show a number on the spider's body. The child has to place the exact number of flies on the spider's web. If everyone agrees that the child has placed the correct number of flies 'ensnared' on the web, the child gets a chip. The children with the most number of chips wins the game. Three rounds of the game will be done to give everyone a chance to practice number recognition and counting.

Art Station

Using construction paper, string and googly eyes, the children will make their own spiders. I will eventually put all the spiders on the board to see how many spiders we can all make in a week!

Literacy Station

Story sequence of Little Miss Muffet will allow the children to practice story retell and recall. It will show the flow of the story.  Each card must be placed correctly to show the rhyme events in sequence.

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