Thursday, April 26, 2012

Math TLCP (Teaching Learning Critical Pathways)

The TDSB has been encouraging teachers to adopt new methodology of creating student learning and success. One is called Teaching Learning Critical Pathways. Who in TDSB has not heard of these yet?

Most schools are involved in pathways and still developing their methodologies to handle the activity. It really shouldn't be an add on, but rather a compliment to what we're already doing in our classroom.

Simply put, a TLCP or pathway involves:
•Gather Evidence (EQAO, DRA, CASI, other classroom assessments)
•Determine Area of Greatest Need •Current Practice (identify and share effective teaching practices)
•Design: Rubrics, Culminating Tasks, Data Walls
•PLC Action (professional learning community - ongoing dialogue about what's working and not, successes and failures, questions, sharing of best practices
•Culminating Task (what teaching is being done in order to ensure that students are able to complete the culminating task successfully?)
•Moderated Marking (building common understandings of what a level 1, 2, 3, and 4 look like)
•Communication (reflection)

Don't think of this as being in a set order (remember, no one size fits all model exists) - it really is a cyclical process with ongoing reflection and communication happening throughout the process.

However, in Kidergarten, we are not involved in rubrics, data walls. Math TLCP is supposed to make the kids explore the math concept and through hands-on, the teacher is supposed to assess the students' learning.

The other new concept of TLCP is the getting rid of worksheets for Kindergarten. And in the coming months, I will continue to be trained in workshops to develop my understanding of learning pathways and inquiry-based learning. Hopefully, I will come back armed with new teaching styles that will be conducive to more student success!

Kindergarten TLCP focused on Math and the topic that we are learning is 3D shapes!

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