Monday, February 27, 2012

Learning Stations (Feb 27 - Mar 3)

March is Fairy Tale Month for our class. The first fairy tale we are reading is the Hans Christian Andersen Three Little Pigs!

Literacy Station

The story was read to the children. For this station, the children have to sequence the nine panels of the story in order. It is quite a challenge to remember the sequence but the children loved doing the cut and paste activity. To assist the children further, a bristol board contained the nine panels of the story as reference. However, I am finding that the children are able to recall the story sequence from memory!

Math Station

A game called Paddlin' Penguins is to challenge the number recognition and counting skills of the children. A picture of a canoe served as a gameboard. Children will take turns to draw a number card from 1 - 10. Based on the number, the child must get the same number of penguins sitting in the canoe. Afterwhich, they will turn over the number card and do a one-to-one correspondence of the paddles on the back of the card with the penguins sitting in the canoe.

Science Station

A book entitled Baby Wolf is read to the children. It tells the life of a baby wolf. The book reading will give facts about wolves to the children in a straightforward manner. The exercise of the reading is for the children to remember one interesting fact about a wolf. Afterwhich, the children will label the parts of the wolf in their worksheets. Then, another book will be read during the week to the children. Entitled Wolves by Emily Gravett, the aim of this exercise is for the children to infer what are the characteristics of a wolf based on the story. Before the children can infer, they need a background knowledge of wolves which they will learn from the first book.

Art Station

The children will make their paper puppets and re-enact the story using our small puppet theatre.

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