Monday, February 20, 2012

Learning Stations (Feb 13 - 16) (Feb 20 - 24)

Science Station

The students are supposed to determine items gathered in a box if it is magnetic or not. For this station, there are four magnets that each child is supposed to use in order to check if an object (e.g., key, metal spoon) can be magnetized or not. With a worksheet, the children are supposed to cut and paste the item and place it either under the Magnetic column or Not Magnetic column.

Math Station

The students are given two worksheets where they are supposed to find the next item to be the correct sequence in the pattern. Afterwhich, they are doing their tangram patterns which they loved to do.


Students Working On Their Tangram Shapes and Patterns

Literacy Station

The students are learning the letter 'Kk' with a poem entitled King With A Kite. With a worksheet, they color their picture as instructed (or allow them a little freedom in coming up with their own artistic ideas) and learn to write the uppercase and lowercase letter of the week.

Art Station

The students are made to paint their hearts from red construction paper and paste special stickers and cutouts like heart and red lips to represent Valentine's Day.


The children have been given more items such as cookie cutters to play around in the sandbox. The children have been building moats using water and making sandcastles.

Due to the fact that Friday, Feb. 17, and Monday, Feb. 20 are holidays, the learning starions of the week will be continued for the two weeks. I also didn't have the heart (pardon the pun) to let the children go on learning stations during Valentine's Day. They had a wonderful Valentine's Day party ran by the parent volunteers. It took 20 minutes for the kids to give all their wonderful Valentine's Day cards to each other and it was wonderful to see the expressions on their eyes and faces when they deliver their cards!

Happy Valentine's Day!

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