Friday, February 10, 2012

Learning Stations (Jan. 30 - Feb. 3)

Math Station

The children had a worksheet which will make them identify what is the missing number in the sequence. It is also a cut and paste activity since the children have to cut the number and paste it in the sequence.

Science Station

A teacher directed activity, the students are given the chance to explore water as an element. They had to add food colouring to it and see it diffused. Then, the children used a stir stick to mix the water and the food colouring. Then, we started to talk about cooking oil. The children had to guess whether the cooking oil and water would mix. Most of them said the two would mix. After that, I added canola oil to the mixture. I told them to look at it first. Then, they used their stir sticks to mix the two. They were given the chance to further observe. On their worksheets, they draw a picture of their experiment. Believe me, the amount of cooking oil spillage that occured during this activity might have the Greenpeace on my back if it went into the ocean!

Art Station

The children had to make their Valentine party favors. Given an empty paper roll, two pieces of candies, felt paper, pipe cleaner, egg carton cut into small portions, the children made their Valentine's party favors which they will bring home for Valentine'e Day!

Literacy Station

The children learned the letter 'Jj' using the poem Jaguar in the Jungle.


I was able to add children toys in the shapes of animals and two balances for the children to explore in the sandbox.

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